From the time Dr. King was born (1929) to the time Elvis died (1977) is a period of 48 years. A number that is divisible by 3, a number of importance in the Bible. Dr. King lived to be 39, while Elvis lived to be 42, a difference of 3 years. During the years they mutually shared America was involved in 3 major wars and had 7 different Presidents. Again the number 3 and the number 7 which shares an important value in the Bible like 3. The Trilateral Commission viewed Elvis as an ambassador to help foster in Pro-American sentiment by using his musical and performance talents in a way that other businessmen could not do. The Illuminati viewed such an act as a threat because they viewed a strong America as a problem to their influence behind the scenes. America having the support of other European countries while beginning to move toward uniting races together under the leadership of Dr. King was more than they could fathom. Such an America would be unable to control. Upon hearing about the executive order of Harry S. Truman to create a committee called the Majestic 12 the Illuminati felt they had no choice but to try and act to stop the American movement toward greater power. The Majestic 12 though created to investigate UFO activity was nothing more than a front to cover up covert spy technology that was being used around the world. The Illuminati knew then, as we all do now, that musicians like Elvis, The Beatles, The Doors, The Who, and Janis Joplin’s band Big Brother and Holding Company, were nothing more than spies that used their influence and ease of access around the world to gather intelligence for the CIA. So, the Illuminati had Dr. King, Elvis, and even John Lennon (Who was killed 3 years after Elvis had died. The number 3 again) assassinated in order to try and stop the growth of American Society and Culture. So in summation the Illuminati is behind all deaths of any historical or political nature.
This was added by Mr. Jones later and it was too funny not to include.....
This was added by Mr. Jones later and it was too funny not to include.....
Matthew..."Overactive imagination" has 21 letters in it...which, when divided by 3, is 7. There were 37 letters in your last comment, 3 and 7 again. 3 + 7 is ten, which leaves us with two 10s. 3 if we count the 3 major wars and 7 presidents that you mentioned earlier. 10x10x10 is 1000. 37 minus the 21 is 16...which you also get from dividing 48 by 3, as you mentioned above. 37 letters in your comment times the 48 years between the deaths of Elvis and Dr. King gives you 1776, the year of our independence! The letters in your full name also add to 776. 1000+776 is 1776 again...which must mean...:::dramatically takes off sunglasses::: You've been working for the Illuminati all along!......