It seems our lives are encompassed even swallowed by them. What do I want to do in my life? Where do I want to live? What kind of person do I want to be with? We are constantly in pursuit of answers to questions like these and many others that invariably never have any real impact on our lives. The ironic thing is that it is not the questions that should determine our paths in life, but instead the answers we already should know. We know what makes us happy and we know ultimately what kind of life we want. The only thing that should determine our path is our resolve to make those things reality. Things like age, race, socioeconomic status, should never be factors in your “pursuit of happiness.” Life is short and fragile. Each day is another piece in your life that you can never replace. Using the phrases like one day, tomorrow, eventually, and of course the all time favorite “IF” should never be involved in the vocabulary that ultimately impacts your happiness. We all have been victims, in one way or another, of society’s timetable. We are led to believe that if we have not achieved our Bachelor’s degree by the age of 22 or working in an established job, with a family in the making, by 25 we are somehow never going to have what makes us happy. We are now stuck where we are, and we just need to accept it….. Who gives anyone the right to make you believe that you can’t have the things you want on your own timetable. Yes life has been unpredictable! But are you really surprised that you did not see every event that happened in your life ahead of time or that you where suppose to be omniscient about each decision that your where going to make? Come on, life is a journey that will inevitably lead you down roads you never expected, but that does not mean that you can’t change your direction or improve your situation. It will take work, it will be hard, but regardless if you really want it, you will have to take it. Believe in yourself and never let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve your dreams. You are only limited by your own will. Live your life, be happy and discover who you truly are. And maybe just maybe you will realize that it was never a question that determined your path, but the sheer will and confidence in yourself that made it everything you want and need.
Matthew Stephen Norton
Well written sir. Just what I needed to hear.