Friday, December 3, 2010


Just an excerpt from a paper I wrote recently...

Nietzsche tries to find comedy in a world where seriousness is the overwhelming view of what an adult is engulfed and surrounded by. Why has the world resorted to such a mechanical and mundane view of things? I cannot help but believe that if God created all the things of heaven and earth and even modeled human beings after himself; doesn’t that include humor since it is something that all children seem to possess? Is it that hard to believe that if you hold on to a faith that declares that a supreme being formed everything that is seen, and all the supernatural beings that humans cannot see, that he did not create humor as well? Is it just because it is not expressly written that on the seventh day God rested, and laughed, that he does not laugh? If you really think about it, why wouldn’t God have a sense of humor? Just take a moment and look at some of the animals around the world, the platypus, the blob fish or the aye-aye. God has to have a sense of humor, but man has decided that religious belief and comedy are not allowed together. Religion is SERIOUS, you must be SERIOUS when talking to God, you must be SERIOUS when you’re in church. And don’t get me wrong, I believe that there needs to be some degree of sincerity and respectfulness in a church service, but I also believe it cannot be completely overrun by them either. I believe on the seventh day God looked at all he created and had a good laugh knowing some of the stupid things we were going to do…… I once read a report that said that people with a positive attitude in life increase their life expectancy over those who do not share the same positive outlook. So why not be happy, find the jokes that are constantly floating through our cosmos, see what others are missing, and search for a hint of laughter in each and every phase of your life!


  1. Amen Matthew!
    Joy and Christianity has become almost like oil and water in the eyes of onlookers. It's time we enjoy life and accept that the joke is on us, when we take life so seriously that we cannot enjoy the rise and the fall.
